Rockin’ on the Equator!
Today I had a showcase in Thailand with many fans and a lot of media. I was nervous when I woke -up this morning because I didn’t know what to expect. When I arrived at the venue it looked so cool and I started to get excited.
I meet my temporary band which made me miss my real band. But it was ok because I was in a new place having new experiences. I was all worth it, when I watched some of my fans imitate the Billy S. video by dancing around holding a video camera! I was so funny and cute at the same time! Thanks to everyone that came to the show, it was great to meet you! Rock on!
自分のファンたちが、Billy S.のビデオを真似してビデオを持ちながらダンスしているのをみて本当にやってよかったと思ったわ!すごくかわいかったし、楽しかった!ショウにきてくれたみんなありがとう!そしてあえてうれしかったわ!Rock on!


by skye-sweetnam
| 2005-06-14 22:05