ぼくがマイルスに会えたのは、この人がインタヴューを命じたから。元CBSソニーの海老名秀治さん。40年前にジャズの原稿を書き始めて以来のお付き合いですが、退職されてから会うのは何年ぶりだろう? ソニーのスタジオでの対談は次号とその次のJaz. inに掲載予定。2時間じゃぜんぜん時間が足りなかった。
The reason I was able to meet Miles was because this person ordered me to interview him. I have known Shuji Ebina, formerly of CBS/Sony, since I started writing jazz manuscripts 40 years ago, but how many years has it been since we last met? The conversation at Sony's studio will appear in the next issue and the following Jaz. in. Two hours was not enough time at all.