App coding: 78.21.5fe.226.889000
> transmission open....<
Greetings from the Outer Limits. Our recent encounter hosted by Public Image at the Mado Lounge was successful. A large amount of information was transmitted and received during our first and very special contact. I greatly appreciate the attendance of those who came and hope to strengthen our routine communications in the next coming 13 months.
Since the initiation of this mission that began Saturday, October 28, 2006 at precisely 06:01AM, I embarked on the first internal, then external journey into the Beyond. Mysteriously, this is a path that few in Electronic Music have ventured to. My objective is to measure and comprehend Infinity. Theorists refer to this as "The Light". Researchers suspect this "Light" is either the beginning or end of reality. A course was charted that have so far, taken me to exotic locations in our Universe like: Alpha Centauri (the oldest star in our Universe), to the Planet Of Saturn (one the oldest Planets), Mercury (in search of water deposits) and the Sun (under the guise of Time Mechanic). This first part of the journey has been a spiritually moving experience that words cannot describe. I was fortunate enough to travel without disruptions and accidents to be able to communicate to you now. But this might change.
The next part of the journey has been calculated to be stressful, more hostile to the fragility aspect of the human mind and body in extreme conditions. To be able to work and continue our communications, I had to dismiss the human language and create a new method to communicate to you. Because of the extreme forces of Space, transmitting standard music patterns or structured compositions to describe what is being documented would result in fragmentations and unclear leading to misinterpretations. Our beloved language would not be good enough. This new method is modeled on the shape and character of encoded data, not music. The aura of sound, not sound itself. For this part of the Journey, special clothing has been designed by various sources that would allow me to manage and carry out sensitive task. Replications of these advanced wearable items will be on an exhibition display in the near future. Please watch for this in your area.
Please note that the next transmission will be 12/20/2008 via Mission Control hosted by ( I look forward to receiving contact from you then via a notation type of portal.
Mission Control reserves my return date of 1/1/2010 Tokyo, Japan at exactly 12:01 am.
Until then, be well.
Code name: Sleeper
>/ transmission closed.
写真はFirst Transmission、水星でDJをするJeff Mills
遠い宇宙の果てよりこんにちは。Public Image 主催のマド・ラウンジへの最新の送信は成功に終わった。僕にとって初めてのそしてとてもスペシャルなコンタクトで、大量のインフォメーションが送受信された。参加してくれた人たちにおおいに感謝するとともに、今後13か月に行われる定期的なコミュニケーションをより強力なものにできるという希望を強くもつことができた。
2006年10月28日土曜日、正確には06:01amにこのミッションが開始してから、僕は外界に向けての初めての精神とそして肉体的要素を追及する旅へと出発した。不思議なことにこれはエレクトロニック・ミュージックがほとんど経験したことのない旅だった。僕の目的は無限大を理解すること。学者はこれを「光」と呼ぶこともある。研究者たちはこの「光」が現実の始まりと終わりを意味するのではないかと推理している。これまでの行程では宇宙の謎めいた場所、アルファ・サントゥリ(宇宙上で一番古い星)、土星(一番古い惑星のひとつ)や水星(水の成分があるかの研究)、そして太陽(Time Mechanicとして)を通過してきた。旅のこの最初の行程は言葉では表せないほどスピリチュアルで感動的な体験だった。問題やアクシデントもなく、こうやって皆とコミュニケートができるのは幸運なことだ。しかし、この状況も変わるかもしれない。
ミッション・コントロールでは僕の帰還は2010年1月1日、東京に12:01am の予定となっている。
コードネーム: Sleeper
>送信終了 <
>>Special Track for Japanese fans