It's been a bit over 2 weeks since coming back. I love traveling, but wish I could avoid the jetlag... =S
Have you ever had cheesecake in a cup?
美味しかったよ♪ It was good. =D
I have a confession to make... Do you remember I told you about the time my brothers challenged a game at a college carnival? Well, after our performance and before that game, we went on this inflated obstacle course. I didn't really know if I should do it, but ended up doing it... and ... landed on my ankle in a weird way... it hurt really bad... =S
(爪にも被害が。。。my nail broke too)
We had a performance the next day as well, so I just wrapped it in an elastic bandage and wore non-heeled shoes. I learned if you feel you shouldn't do something... don't!
So, I saw weird manekins in Texas... How so, you ask? You should see them for yourself.
They gave me a pass with my name on it at AWA.
こういうの好きなんですよ。^-^ コスプレのレベルも高く、幅広いアニメ(アニメキャラクターじゃないコスプレもいて、面白かったです)キャラクターとかいっぱい!進撃の巨人からのエルヴィン団長も発見!とってもカッコ良かったです。
I like it when they do that! There were a lot of high quality cosplayers and a variety of anime and non-anime characters. I saw Elvin-dancho... (don't know how to spell or what you call him in English) and he looked exactly like the character!! =D
Everyone in Atlanta was super nice and I had so much fun there.
During our trip to the US this time around, I hurt my ankle, broke my favorite sunglasses, lost my favorite ring, broke a nail, couldn't get over the jetlag fast enough, the had to change our car battery, etc, BUT we made so many new friends and good memories that it erases all the non-positive we experienced. ^-^ I'm sooo glad we had more time on our hands than we had expected.
I want to go to a state I've never been on our next trip. We couldn't get to look around Atlanta, so would love to do that too. =D